When to Give Feedback?
“嘗試後應該即時或盡快給予回饋。”這似乎是非常合理的假設,但研究發現,就算是延誤了給予回饋,只要相隔的一段時間內並沒有受到其他活動的干擾,都不會影響學習效能(Salmoni, Schmidt 與 Walter, 1984),所以教練員或教師毋須擔心要即時或盡快給予回饋。反而,Swinnen,Schmidt,Nicholson 與 Shapiro(1990)發現,即時給予回饋會降低學習效能。其中一個可能的解釋就是即時給予回饋會防礙運動員自行處理因反應而產生的回饋(response-produced feedback),而且經常留意教練員或教師給予的回饋會降低了運動員本身的錯誤偵測能力。
另一方面,給予回饋後必須要有足夠的時間給運動員「消化」,才能對下一次嘗試有利。Weinberg,Guy 與 Tupper(1964)發現,給予回饋後最少要有 5 秒的時間給運動員進行「消化」,但再長的時間也沒有進一步的益處。當然,如果技能的複雜程度較高,這段時間便要適當地延長。
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Salmoni, A. W., Schmidt, R. A., & Walter, C. B. (1984). Knowledge of results and motor learning: A review and critical re-appraisal. Psychological Bulletin, 95, 355-386.
Schmidt, R. A. (1991). Motor learning & performance: From principles to practice. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Swinnen, S., Schmidt, R. A., Nicholson,D. E., & Shapiro, D. C. (1990). Information feedback for skill acquisition: Instanteous knowledge of results degrades learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 16, 706-716.
Winstein, C. J., & Schmidt, R. A. (1990). Reduced frequency of knowledge of results enhances motor skill learning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 16, 677-691.
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